Parenthetical Calculator/
BODMAS Calculator/
PEDMAS Calculator
that works according to the bracket priority.
Simple Algorithm.
Made with using 3 modules :-
1. Expression separation
2. Post fixing Algorithm
3. Expression Evaluation
Written in C++ Language
Output :--
Simple Algorithm.
Made with using 3 modules :-
1. Expression separation
Written in C++ Language
Output :--
Source Code : --
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
void tellpos (string a , int &a_ ) {
if (a == "+" || a == "-") {
a_ = 10;
if (a == "*" || a=="/") {
a_ =20;
if (a == "^") {
int main () {
// Expression separation
cout << "Enter the expression with round-brackets, For example (g^((a+b)*(c+d))) : ";
string h = "(1+(23*34-(45/56^62)*73)*8)";
cin >> h;
string LogicalExp[150];
int location=-1;
string plus = "";
for (int y =0 ; y <= h.length() ; y++) {
if ( h[y] == '+' || h[y] == '-' || h[y] == '*' || h[y] == '/' || h[y] == '^' || h[y] == '(' || h[y] == ')') {
LogicalExp[location] = plus;
LogicalExp[location] = h[y];
else {
plus += h[y];
LogicalExp[location] = plus;
// post fixing
int storeascii =0;
int curr=0;
int stack_length;
int lastseen;
string final_expression;
int pos=0;
string stack[100];
string expression[100];
int pos_for_ep=0;
for (int go=0 ; go <= location; go++ ) {
if (LogicalExp[go] == ")") {
for ( int stack_length = pos; stack[stack_length] != "(" ; --stack_length) {
expression[pos_for_ep] = stack[stack_length];
if (LogicalExp[go] == "(") {
stack[pos] = "(";
if (LogicalExp[go] != "+" && LogicalExp[go] != "-" && LogicalExp[go] != "*" && LogicalExp[go] != "/" && LogicalExp[go] != "^" && LogicalExp[go] != ")" ) {
expression[pos_for_ep] = LogicalExp[go];
if (LogicalExp[go] == "+" || LogicalExp[go] == "-" || LogicalExp[go] == "*" || LogicalExp[go] == "/" || LogicalExp[go] == "^") {
if (stack[pos] == "+" || stack[pos] == "-" || stack[pos] == "*" || stack[pos] == "/" || stack[pos] == "^") {
tellpos(stack[pos] , storeascii);
tellpos(LogicalExp[go] , curr);
if ( curr - storeascii > 0 ) {
stack[pos] = LogicalExp[go];
if (curr - storeascii <= 0) {
expression[pos_for_ep] = stack[pos];
stack[pos] = LogicalExp[go];
else {
stack[pos] = LogicalExp[go];
// Expression Evaluation
int stac[100];
int count=0;
while (count < 100) {
stac[count] = 0;
int locatio=-1;
int elem=0;
int value=0;
int valuep=0;
for ( int a = 0 ; a <= location ; a++ ) {
if (expression[a] == "") {
if (expression[a] == "+" || expression[a] == "-" || expression[a] == "*" || expression[a] == "/" || expression[a] == "^" ) {
value = stac[locatio];
valuep = stac[locatio-1];
if (expression[a] == "+") {
stac[locatio-1] = valuep + value;
if (expression[a] == "-") {
stac[locatio-1] = valuep - value;
if (expression[a] == "*") {
stac[locatio-1] = valuep * value;
if (expression[a] == "/") {
stac[locatio-1] = valuep / value;
if (expression[a] == "^") {
stac[locatio-1] = pow(valuep,value);
else {
stringstream toint(expression[a]);
toint >> elem;
stac[locatio] = elem;
cout << "\n\nFinal Answer : " << stac[0];
system("PAUSE >NUL");
Works With All C++11 , C++13 , C++17 compilers.
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